To Let
The role of today’s real estate company has evolved. Intel is the new commodity. Now, more than ever, we need to interpret, evaluate and disseminate information quickly before it becomes stale. Broll recognises this need and invests heavily in intel gathering so as to provide its clients with the level of information necessary to make the best decisions.
Our in-house team of experts have extensive industry experience in research-based real estate consulting and advisory services. This high-performance team conducts unique market analyses, which provide relevant insights about different market segments. These insights enable our clients to make informed, strategic and data-driven decisions.
South Africa, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Kenya, Uganda, Botswana, Namibia, Mozambique, Zambia, eSwatini, Mauritius.
Country reports
Market studies
Location and nodal analysis/reports
Feasibility studies
Retail mapping
Portfolio optimisation and analysis
Demographic analysis
Drive-time analysis
Competitor locations
Repositioning or relocating of stores within a shopping centre
Development pipelines
Lease optimisation, acquisition and renewals